
Citation Appeals

Violation Appeals: Appeals must be received within 14 calendar days of the issue date. The issue date will serve as day one.  Citations pending an appeal decision will not receive a late fee.  The 30-day grace period will begin on the date when the appeal is resolved.


Violations must be appealed through the UMBC administrative appeal process.

Administrative fees of $15.00 will be charged on appeals unless lowered to a Warning or adjudicated to not guilty.


Visitors online UMBC Administrative Appeal Process:

Submit via E-mail to 
Those who receive citations and are not affiliated with the university may send their appeal with explanation via e-mail to

UMBC Employee online UMBC Administrative Appeal Process:

Submit online by going to Parking Account Management and login as an ‘Affiliate’.  Go to ‘Citations and click on ‘Appeal’ to enter your written appeal.  You can choose if you wish to have your decision mailed or sent in an email.

UMBC Student Administrative Appeal Process:

UMBC students must initiate appeal review online.  Student notification of the appeal decision will be sent through email.  The Student Parking Appeals Board under Student Judicial Programs will review and resolve student appeals.  The board convenes during the Fall and Spring semesters.

Submit online by going to Parking Account Management and login as an ‘Affiliate’.  Go to ‘Citations and click on ‘Appeal’ to enter your appeal.

Should I File an Appeal?
If you have received a citation and wonder if you should file an appeal, check the list below before filing your appeal. The reasons below are NOT acceptable reasons to file an appeal:
  • Lack of knowledge about parking regulations – When you were issued your permit you acknowledged reading the UMBC Parking Rules and Regulations
  • Dropping off an assignment or seeing an instructor.
  • Short-term parking – Leaving your hazard lights on or sitting in your car in a space is still occupying a space. Either way, if you are at a pay-to-park lot, you must pay.
  • Parking for just a “short time”. It is $2 for an hour at the Pay to Park Lots. Using the Park Mobile App? You can pay for as little as 15 minutes.
  • Unable to find a legally-marked parking space. There are always spaces available. Plan ahead and be prepared for a reasonable walk. Lots 25 and 31 are good fall backs for Commuters, Staff and Faculty
  • Parking in a reserved space without a valid permit for the reserved space. Between 8 AM and 4 PM, Monday to Friday you need a permit. If the University is open (classes or not), this policy applies.
  • Inoperable vehicle (car trouble). Things happen but it is YOUR JOB to notify Parking Services in a timely fashion. Please don’t wait until you have received multiple citations to reach out to Parking Services.
  • Late to or from an appointment or class. Being late is not an acceptable excuse to park illegally.

Valid reasons would be a medical emergency, family emergency or illness.